The Mercenary Guild
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 Application Format

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Number of posts : 23
Age : 32
Location : Brasil
Registration date : 2009-01-14

Application Format Empty
PostSubject: Application Format   Application Format I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 02, 2010 8:20 am

The Mercenary guild IS recruiting at the moment. We set out to make a Guild for those who enjoy playing Element-WoW as much as we do. We are searching for Tanks/DPS groups and Healers.

If you would like to join the Mercenary Guild on Element-wow, that's cool but we need some information about you and you also need some details about us.

Prerequisite before joining the Mercenary Guild is simple. We don't care what equipment you have, but you do need to be level 80. You must have at least one profession that of course will benefit you and other guild members. This shows us you have put some time and effort into playing. Patience, manners and the ability to listen to directions is a must for all guild members.

***You Must read the Guild Rules before you proceed!***

Mercenary Guild Application Form
(Copy and paste these to your own reply).


IRL First Name:
Email address:

#In-Game Info

-Character Name:
(List only your MAIN or MAIN Characters)
-What is your played time on this character?
-Tell us about your raid experience:
-What time of day do you play?
-How many hours do you usually stay online for?
-Which was/were your previous guild(s)?
-Why have you left your previous guild(s)?
-Why do you want to join Mercenary?

-How did you hear about Mercenary?

-Do you have an in game or RL friend, who is already a member of the Mercenary Guild? If so, who?

Use this space to tell us anything else you feel we should know about you. Don't be shy.
*Make sure at the Bottom of your application you state: "I understand and agree to adhere to the rules and regulations of the Mercenary Guild."
**All applications that do not state this will be deleted.**

Please send your application form to:

**Please note. You should wait up to 7 days from when you post the application to receive a response.**

Thank you for applying-
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