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 Its all finished

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Number of posts : 28
Age : 35
Location : Phillipines
Registration date : 2009-01-14

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PostSubject: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 9:12 pm

You guys wont really see me again this time, I got all my accounts banned on ewow, the server is going to end anyway they are busy on the problem we left them... if you guys wanna know the reason why i am banned feel free to read this long story.

1. I am mature, showed what was wrong with the server.

2. I have dealt with E-wow's problems and bugs for 3 years, and 4different EWow editions. ( Marc's funserver, Old fire, new fire, WOTLK ). I never bitched about what seemed wrong and incorrect.

3. I tried to get along with everybody as well as i could.

4. I followed all the rules, +- a few, where it were due.

5. I respected all players that respected me.

6. I DID listen to everyones problems, for 2½ year.

7. I tried to be active, but the continueation of the lame-ass bugs and no fixes eventually pissed me off, and i took some long breaks.

8. I read and write English just fine.

9. I were a people person, until Marc stopped giving a shit for the server.

10. When i voiced my oppinion i got banned by Dekoy, the worst GM Ewow has ever seen. Those words are the truth. Now you will have to find out if you are gonna put up with the same shit i did.

Natio buddy,you know yourself no one on the higher position would listen to you anymore leave it alone, why not collect or tell the old gms of fire to post what they really felt on the shitty things that ended old fire. Things started when piaa and her goons(includes mikodas retarted brains) went up to take power,they can deny it but its a fact that problems came when they tookover. We always tried to add spicey ideas for the server guess what none of them listen. I remember caramon rejected and laughed in front of the crowds for his good ideas.
Seems no one would talk,and they would delete it. I would still get this chance to start the talking....
(for all people who read this) state your oppinoin clearly and legitemately, this is a free world if the gms deleted this topic it just proves that they would deny this and their brains are too small

Jabeligs (retribution)

They would normaly say "who is this little guy talking?" well im a player here speaking for the old people you admins and gms bitched, for my former nocturnal guild was sick and tired of the bullshit about this server. What are the bullshit thats a lot to explain and it would take my time. Piaa herself knew and was aware of what is happening with the lost of oldfire, I say shes responsible for it. Guess what after the oldfire my fellow guildmates tried to help, explain to piaa about big time GM ABSUSE (they themselves .add fucking items on their public guild banks), exploiting hacks "SO RETARDED",another is the gm alt attitude "guess what i own freaking everyone and the server cause of my .additems" and my edited professions who are the gms? that includes you dekoy,badass,onek,vain, who else? (you guys know who you are)!!, spanish shits populating the server, bugs exploit, hackers etc...etc...etc...they would just ban people they dont like and make excuses like "he use bug, he abuse" poeple like mikoda (HELL YEAH I GOT A PROBLEM with you!! why did u ban me?, you got proves i hacked?) if you got them show them to me!!, justice wasnt on my side, if its not for imposter to .unban me I would have left earlier. Seeing gm exploits and bitching around prevented me from donating and even promoting the server to my RL friends. YOu would question me why am I still playing here? despite the odds? well because of my new found friends just for fun. Gm alts use lame excuse thats my reward for being a gm helping people. But for the damn sake, numerous gm alts got complete gears and professions?? How did that happen, im not a retarted one who dont know donation gears from legit gears. And what did the admin do for all the complains? especially piaa? DENIED!!!
(especially it the player is so dear to her) thats just freaking lame running for a leader to do that..on the contrary I am aware that marc wants piaa, and piaa too has done numerous things for the server, but then again its like (positive things < negative things)!! Her lack of leadership equates it all. And the results.......

I remained calm about this matter not to mention i kept quiet on this day by day, year by year, stay out of trouble, and be a good player. But then again this would be the 1st and last i would speak about this matter. The people i mentioned aboved would hold big time grudges to me, and would probably attack what i just wrote, critizing my work of art. The players who loves ewow, would speak for themselves, with their short speech they would be the shield of my words, like my tank who wield the shield to protect the helpless and defend the justice!!

YOu can bitch around but thats the bottom line....

-------After 3 hours of that post they did the innitiative-------------- its to be expected for their retarded brains---------------
telling the truth really hurts... tons of replies hit on that topic including old fire gms. Some of you may think what we have done is retarded but it was more like for the community not to NEGLECT on the job that was given to them.

Ended jabeligs career anyway i got SS of my last stats ill post it later.
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Number of posts : 28
Age : 35
Location : Phillipines
Registration date : 2009-01-14

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PostSubject: harhar   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 9:17 pm


Its the last item i ever wanted and my wish came true
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PostSubject: Re: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 3:22 am

Well....look on that pic....there ya got me....getting the same items and season 5.
Well...i`m not proud of it. But a GM checket me and deletet those items.
But becouse they where in the bank i deletet them myself. Including the donation items i recived.
I have left this server until the instances are fixed. I Doubt that.
Marc dont care about this server anymore it....Atleast thats the impresion i got.
So....If you see one of those chars i got on my profile online, it`s not me.
Exept if you see Odden online. Have given away all my chars exept my main.
So i agreed whit you. The last item i wanted to recive......
EWoW is soon history. And i would say Natio speedet up the prosses whit 1000x
So...i`m proud to be a member of Mercenary but now it`s over.
My MSN and Battlefield 2 name is in the EWoW forum. Hope to see some of you later.
Maybe when the instances works? who knows. Noeone knows.
Not more to say pale
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Number of posts : 24
Age : 36
Location : Istanbul
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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PostSubject: Re: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 1:42 pm

now we have to discuss the new server which we ll pass thru. Ewow is dead "officially" after last actions. I dont think ewow can walk on its foots again. Despite i cant support you well on these times, if we dont wanna die too like the server, we have to do this.

however, there is only a "little" chance to revolute, but i dont think this gonna happen, after jab's ss and and free donation items were given freely...

what are ur ideas about it?
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Number of posts : 28
Age : 35
Location : Phillipines
Registration date : 2009-01-14

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PostSubject: Re: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 2:23 pm

Well to tell you the truth marc has to ONLY/JUST make a 1day roll back and everything is in order again. But today marc even inspected me several times even in the past cause my tanking stats are really awesome. He saw me wearing that gm ring today what did he do? he jsut let me loiter around with it. Not to mention ben was with him. Well ill just enjoy it while it last LOLZ lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 4:23 pm

Do like i did.....Just delete it before he banns you.
BTW...I will return when the instances is working maybe :S
Or the GM appligation is open ^^
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Number of posts : 23
Age : 32
Location : Brasil
Registration date : 2009-01-14

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PostSubject: Re: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 8:10 pm

Ewow's finished.
Natio really fucked up, he didn't have to give items out, server was already screwed due to Marc neglecting it and now this? He could've rolled the server back one day instead of banning people <_<
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PostSubject: Re: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 9:50 pm

Agreed. a 1 day rollback would fix all of this.
But well....he just want to du it the hard way.
But i still hope this server survive Razz
Will log on one of my chars now and then for checking how things are working ^^
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Number of posts : 24
Age : 36
Location : Istanbul
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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PostSubject: Re: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 8:26 am

theres only one way to save the server; hiring a programmer (or what else its name... just a guy that can fix bugs working himself)

otherwise; i dont think server will raise so easily, it will be painful No
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Number of posts : 28
Age : 35
Location : Phillipines
Registration date : 2009-01-14

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PostSubject: Re: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 5:30 pm

Im an official outlaw of ewow, me and natio are probably the hatest player ever. lol. lol! its not our fault we have been complaining for years, dont you think 2years is long enough? to see server falling slowly, to see wasted donations, to see marc doing nothing. THats absurd, even piaa herself finnaly speak that she got the same opinnion as we do.

PS: i r drunk soz for misspeled
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Number of posts : 24
Age : 36
Location : Istanbul
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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PostSubject: Re: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 8:11 pm

lol we need outlaws like ya if we wanna see some improvement. I and most ppl are bored already in this situation and no 1 can do sth to improve and fix but marc and his friends...



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PostSubject: Re: Its all finished   Its all finished I_icon_minitime

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