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Number of posts : 13
Location : Melbourne, Australia
Registration date : 2009-01-11

Ranks Empty
PostSubject: Ranks   Ranks I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 13, 2009 6:35 pm

First Guild Master our ol' good Adach!
Current Guild Master : Azshanamoon

*Officer GM Alt : All of Nat's alts and Adach's alts.

*Councils = 4 of my most trusted and awesome members.
Jab, Agustinx, Rancid (Inactive), Blackfox . (Two empty spots for now)

*Veteran = Members of the guild that have been in the guild for 3 months or more and help with the Guild Bank, leveling other members, doing enchantments, equipment and gems.

*Member = A Member of the Guild that can roll and ask for help and help all other members

*Inactive = For Veteran and Member Ranks who haven't logged in for over a month

*PROBY = Any new recruit, not seen as a member till they have past the requirements for membership.

The Ranks of C Alt, V Alt and M Alt are the other characters of current members. Every member has a main character. All the other characters of that member are given the Alt status associated with the Rank of the main character.

*Once you attain the Member Rank you are then allowed alt Characters into the guild without them going through the PROBY Rank. Whilst in PROBY we will not invite your alts into guild.
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